Haley Lee, Qigong
Haley Lee is a Qigong practitioner. The focus of her consults is to simplify, lighten, and give clarity and insights into the dynamics of self/relationships. A consult is typically a combination of an energetic clearing and an intuitive reading. This is felt and noted by the client on a physical, mental and emotional level. She also builds relationships with her clients and remains available for a “tune up” or support when needed. Each consult covers a lot of details, and gets right to "the core of the issue." She offers personal, couples' and business consults over the phone.
In person, she offers a one-on-one course work on energetic practices for self or for practitioners of any expertise over a 1 or 2 year commitment period..
"There is only one way, straight, open and utterly empty of obstructions." Chinese Philosopher